Monday, August 3, 2015

Ruins and Rainbows - Grandma's 1st Day in Oz

We had our hands full with the Rainbow Lorrikeets at Green Patch

When we told my parents that we were moving to Australia for a year - my mom was adamant that she was coming over to see us. Yesterday, she made good on that promise. 

She journeyed over 20 hours on a plane to the other side of the world - so that we could share this amazing country with her and our boys could have some Grandma Time! She is staying for 3 weeks and we are so looking forward to the fun times ahead.

Fresh off the plane

On the way back from the airport, we stopped at 2 lookouts to get some nice views of Gerringong and Gerroa. 


And then we rolled into Nowra - Home of the Black Cockatoo

Chy-Anne, Bryce and Liam were walking up the driveway to welcome Grandma by waving Aussie flags!

We showed her the sheep (Nicholas, Thomas and Buddy)

We dropped her bags off in the house, gave her a quick tour and then decided to hit the road so Grandma would stay awake until the night. 

We chose to go to Booderee National Park (Jervis Bay) to the Old Lighthouse Ruins and then on to Green Patch to catch a glimpse of some birds (we got more than we bargained for!)

First stop....just up the road from where we live to show Grandma the Kangaroos.

We had never been to the Lighthouse Ruins before - so this was a great first experience to share. 

Point Perpendicular in the distance

We brought the binoculars to look for whales...and right away we saw a humpback spouting!

The boys were taking turns having their own pictures with Grandma

The sun began to set and we knew that we should continue on to Green Patch Beach to watch the sunset over the water

We showed Grandma the "singing sand" (it squeaks when you walk on it)

Lovely artwork

Grandma had to walk into the ocean

Chy-Anne had spotted a wallaby - so we pursued it for a pic!

And then the birds welcomed us to their beach!

We spotted the wallaby again on the way out

We left Green Patch and headed to the Husky Pub for some dinner - what a great start for Grandma!

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